geamurile care se deschid ptr ca pe el sunt fixe si pe caldura care e la noi ...! si capacele care asa vor ramane in starea in care sunt acuma , imi plac foarte tare capacele de vw bombate arata super ! si cateva poze de la bus dela ultima vizita ..
the windows that open that will replace the ones on the bus , to prevent the hot weather in the summer days !
and the used hub caps but new on the bus ! and some pictures from the last visit to the bus !
si prima intalnire cu un alt bus , un t2b din 1976 watercooled ( deocamdata ) un fost pompier care din pacate au disparut multe piese de pe el ...
and the first date since i have him with a watercololed t2b 1976 an ex fire truck but sadly he has no more nos parts , but still..!
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