luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

a doua intalnire ! our second meeting !

apoi prin Iunie am fost iar acolo sa vad masina la interior sa o pornesc sa vad daca este ok ,am fost cu propietarul care nu prea stia mare lucru despre bus ....

then in June , i got there again to see the bus interior and engine and if it`s ok to buy it , i was there with the owner witch didn`t know very much about the bus but...

am dat sa il pornesc nimic nimic .. busul statuse aproape un an nu a fost pornit miscat sau ceva .... am schimbat bateria si a pornit la prima incercare :) , am stabilit tot ce era de rezolvat cu proprietarul urma sa ma duc sa il aduc la Bucuresti !  am facut o gramada de poze ca sa pot saliva si acasa la el !

i tried to start the engine but nothing , the engine wasn`t started for almost an year ....i changed the battery and it started at first try , so i arranged everything with the owner , so the next step it was to take him to Bucharest ! i took allot of pictures that day so i can stare at it at home ! :D

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