luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

Prima noastra intalnire ! our first meet !

se intampla prin aprilie 2010 ...

si  a fost cam asa .., un coleg de munca stia ca vreau sa imi cumpar bus si ca tocmai ratasem un t2b , si imi spune ca un coleg de al lui de la birou vinde un bus nu stia exact despre ce e vb ce model este si in ce stare se afla asa ca am intrat in caontact cu proprietarul busului ! Si intr o zi dupa ce veneam de la munte am tras o fuga la Valea Doftanei unde se afla busul ! am cautat o ora si un pic curtea unde se afla cand am gasit .. dragoste la prima vedere ! nu era nimeni acolo la casa decat 3 caini care nu erau legati .. m am imprietenit cu cateii si am sarit gardul ! las pozele sa va spuna ....

it was in April 2010..

and it was like this , a coworker knew that i wanted to buy a bus t2b witch i just missed to buy it , and he tells that he has a colleague that sells one of those buses , he didn`t know what model or what only that it`s a t2 , so i got in touch with the owner and told me where the bus is , So one day when i came from the mountains because it was in our way we took a short trip to the bus , we searched a bit for the house but it was worth it ! it was love at first sight ! there were three loose dogs but i did not care i jmped in because it was no one there , they become very friendly maybe to friendly because they jumped all over me i was full of mud , and now i leave the pics to say it all...

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