luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

achizitia ! acquisition

dupa 2 luni dupa ce am mai negociat pretul si am mai discutat cu proprietarul , am plecat eu cu doi prieteni sa luam busul , proprietarul era deja acolo facuse un pic de curat in bus a taiat iarba ca sa putem sa iesim cu el de acolo ... zis si facut iau cheile sa pornesc busul si nimic de data asta cu baterie noua ! am tot incercat si nimic pana la urma am mers si am laut 10L de benzina , am pus a pornit si am pornit si noi ! cand am iesit din curte in urma lui lasa o dara de lichid ( benzina ) , am oprit pe marginea drumului furtunul de la rezervor crapat ...

after a couple of months , after some negotiations and overtalks with the owner , i took two friends and on the road to the bus ! the owner was allready there , did a little cleaning in the bus , cut the grass so we can get out ... so no more talking took the keys try to start it but nothing (although it was with a new battery) i tried a couple of times but nothing ! so   we left after petrol , took 10L put it in and started at first try ! so away we go ... not o far because the bus was leaving a trail of petrol , so we stopped , the petrol pipeline was broke so cut the broken part and plugged back in ..

 , prietenul care era la volan sa bagat sub el si a taiat furtunu si pus la loc , gata de drum !

a fost o experienta foarte placuta pe drum din pacate eu nu mai mersesem niciodata cu un t2 , a fost destul de urat ptr ca drumul de pe Valea Doftanei era inca in lucru dar apoi pe DN1 a fost super , am fost atat de entuziasmat incat am uitat sa fac vre o poza ..

not o far because the bus was leaving a trail of petrol , so we stopped ,the friend that was driving jumped under the bus.. the petrol pipeline was broke so cut the broken part and plugged back in ..
 it was a very nice experience since this was my first time i went with a bus , the road before the main road was a bit broken but when we got to the main road it was perfect .. the perfect ride ever..i was so excited that i forgot to take any picture ..:D

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